А. А. Грачев
DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_001
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Аннотация. Обсуждается необходимость концептуализации современной организационной психологии, которая позволит систематизировать ее предметное поле, отличающееся в настоящее время значительной фрагментарностью. С этой целью предлагается понимать организационную психологию как прикладную науку объектом которой выступает человек в организационной среде и основных организационных ситуациях, а предметом – обеспечение управления социальной организацией по критериям а) организационной эффективности за счет оптимизации "человеческой составляющей" и б) жизненных интересов членов организации на основе управления ею как средой жизнедеятельности (приоритетная для организационной психологии группа критериев; реализуется в социальном управлении). В соответствии с системным подходом в качестве системообразующего фактора социального управления понимаются жизненные ориентации работника – дефицитарная, самореализационная и духовная. Эти ориентации а) определяют основные характеристики работника – его способности, рабочую концепцию, рабочую культуру, б) задают требования к организационной среде и организационным ситуациям. Так, способности предлагается разделить на три группы – дефицитарные, самореализационные и духовные, в рабочей концепции в качестве компонентов выделить трудовую философию работника, его представления о реальных и идеальных организации, среде, рабочих ситуациях, о других работниках и о самом себе и, наконец, образ рабочего поведения. С учетом типологии Камерона-Куинна (четыре типа) и модели жизненных ориентаций (три типа) обоснованы десять типов организационной культуры. Показана реализация заявленного подхода в разработке методического обеспечения, в организации психологической службы производственной организации и социального управления предприятием, обучении психологов и руководителей.
Ключевые слова: предметное поле организационной психологии, системный подход, жизненные ориентации работника, способности работника, рабочая концепция, рабочая культура, опыт реализации системного подхода.
Abstract. The necessity of conceptualization of modern organizational psychology is discussed, which will allow to systematize its subject field, which is currently characterized by significant fragmentation. To this end, it is proposed to understand organizational psychology as an applied science, the object of which is a person in the organizational environment and the main organizational situations, and the subject is to ensure the management of a social organization according to the criteria of a) organizational effectiveness by optimizing the "human component" and b) the vital interests of the members of the organization based on its management as a life environment (priority for organizational psychology, a group of criteria; implemented in social management). In accordance with the systematic approach, the system–forming factor of social management is understood as the life orientations of the employee - deficit, self-realization and spiritual. These orientations a) determine the main characteristics of the employee – his abilities, working concept, working culture, b) set requirements for the organizational environment and organizational situations. Thus, the abilities are proposed to be divided into three groups – deficit, self-realization and spiritual, in the working concept, as components, the employee's work philosophy, his ideas about real and ideal organizations, environment, work situations, about other employees and about himself, and, finally, the image of working behavior are highlighted. Taking into account the Cameron-Quinn typology (four types) and the model of life orientations (three types), ten types of organizational culture are substantiated. The implementation of the stated approach in the development of methodological support, in the organization of the psychological service of the production organization and social management of the enterprise, training of psychologists and managers is shown.
Key words: subject field of organizational psychology, systematic approach, employee's life orientations, employee's abilities, working concept, working culture, experience in implementing a systematic approach.
Ключевые слова: предметное поле организационной психологии, системный подход, жизненные ориентации работника, способности работника, рабочая концепция, рабочая культура, опыт реализации системного подхода.
Abstract. The necessity of conceptualization of modern organizational psychology is discussed, which will allow to systematize its subject field, which is currently characterized by significant fragmentation. To this end, it is proposed to understand organizational psychology as an applied science, the object of which is a person in the organizational environment and the main organizational situations, and the subject is to ensure the management of a social organization according to the criteria of a) organizational effectiveness by optimizing the "human component" and b) the vital interests of the members of the organization based on its management as a life environment (priority for organizational psychology, a group of criteria; implemented in social management). In accordance with the systematic approach, the system–forming factor of social management is understood as the life orientations of the employee - deficit, self-realization and spiritual. These orientations a) determine the main characteristics of the employee – his abilities, working concept, working culture, b) set requirements for the organizational environment and organizational situations. Thus, the abilities are proposed to be divided into three groups – deficit, self-realization and spiritual, in the working concept, as components, the employee's work philosophy, his ideas about real and ideal organizations, environment, work situations, about other employees and about himself, and, finally, the image of working behavior are highlighted. Taking into account the Cameron-Quinn typology (four types) and the model of life orientations (three types), ten types of organizational culture are substantiated. The implementation of the stated approach in the development of methodological support, in the organization of the psychological service of the production organization and social management of the enterprise, training of psychologists and managers is shown.
Key words: subject field of organizational psychology, systematic approach, employee's life orientations, employee's abilities, working concept, working culture, experience in implementing a systematic approach.
Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Грачев А.А. Системный подход и концептуальные основания организационной психологии // Институт психологии Российской академии наук. Организационная психология и психология труда. 2023. Т. 8. № 3. С. 4 – 19. DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_001
Grachev, А.А. (2023). Sistemnyj podhod i konceptual'nye osnovanija organizacionnoj psihologii [System approach and conceptual foundations of organizational psychology]. Institut psikhologii Rossiyskoy akademii nauk. Organizatsionnaya psikhologiya i psikhologiya truda [Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Organizational Psychology and Psychology of Work]. 8(3). 4 – 19. DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_001