Editorial board

doctor of psychology, head of the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
PhD in psychology, senior researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Editorial Board
Doctor of psychological Sciences, Professor, academician of RAS, scientific Director of the Institute of psychology RAS.
Dikaya Larisa G. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, Professor, chief researcher of the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Aldasheva Aigul A. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, leading researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Balducci Cristian (Bologna,Italy)
PhD, Associate professor - Work and Organizational Psychology,Department of Psychology, University of Bologna
Frolova Svetlana Vladimirovna (Saratov)
Doctor of psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Counseling Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Saratov State University
Golikov Yuri Ya. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, chief researcher of the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Grachev Alexander A. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, professor, leading researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Karpov Anatoly V.(Yaroslavl)
Doctor of psychology, corresponding member of RAO, Professor, Dean of the faculty of psychology of p. G. Demidov YarSU, head of the Department of labor psychology and organizational psychology, head of the Yaroslavl psychological school, Vice-President of the International Academy of psychological and pedagogical Sciences.
Kharlamenkova Natalia E. (Moscow)
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IP RAS) for scientific work.
Khazova Svetlana A. (Kostroma)
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Kostroma State University.
Leonova Anna B. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, Professor, head of the Department of labor psychology and engineering psychology, head of the laboratory of labor psychology, Lomonosov Moscow state University.
Makhnach Alexander V. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, vice-director of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Nartova-Bochaver Sofya K. (Moscow)
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychology, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Oboznov Alexander A. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, Professor, chief researcher of the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sergeev Sergey F. (Saint Petersburg)
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Systems in Art and Humanities, Faculty of Arts, St. Petersburg State University. Head of the Research Laboratory "Ergonomics of Complex Systems", leading specialist of the quality management department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Sievert Hans-Wolf (Osnabrück, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Honorary Professor of International and intercultural Management at the University of Osnabrück, Deputy Chairman of the University Council of the University of Osnabrück, Chairman of the Board of the Sievert Foundation for science and culture.
Tolochek Vladimir A. (Moscow)
Doctor of psychology, leading researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Vlasov Pyotr K. (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Doctor of Psychology, Director of the Institute of Applied Psychology.
Yasko Bela A. (Krasnodar)
Doctor of psychology, Professor of the Department of personnel management and organizational psychology of Kuban state University.
Technical editor
Runets Oksana V. (Moscow)
Candidate of psychological Sciences,researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Editorial staff
Bakanov Arseniy S. (Moscow)
Candidate of technical Sciences, researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Bessonova Yulia V. (Moscow)
Candidate of psychological Sciences, researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Postylyakov Yuliya V. (Moscow)
Candidate of psychological Sciences, researcher at the laboratory of labor psychology, ergonomics, engineering and organizational psychology of the Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.