Requirements for the content of articles

I. Text editor and formats

When preparing manuscripts, you should use the Microsoft Word editor for Windows of the latest versions and the Microsoft Word*.rtf, *.doc or *.docx formats. The submitted material should be contained in a single file, and all illustrations should be immediately included in the main text of the manuscript. Do not use macros.

II. Formatting text

Standard page format A4, margins on all sides 2 cm; 1.5 intervals; font Times New Roman, 14 size, pages of the manuscript are not numbered. The main text is formatted in width with an indent of 1.25 cm in the paragraph.

Hyphenation, including automatic hyphenation, is not used in the text.

Lines within a paragraph should not be broken by the carriage return character (usually the Enter key), and automatic hyphenation is not allowed.

Design of subsections, footnotes, and selections

1. Subheadings in the text are separated from the main text by a carriage return sign (the "Enter" key), highlighted in bold and centered.

2. It is not recommended to highlight large text fragments in italics / bold. No more than 5-7% of the text can be highlighted.

3. Footnotes in the text are created using the MS Word automatic footnotes creation function.


III Scope of articles

The volume of the publication must comply with the established standards (not including References), the number of characters is indicated with spaces from 16,000 to 40,000 characters.


IV Design of the title, links to the grant, information about the authors, annotations and keywords


The title is placed in the center of the sheet and is highlighted in bold. It is printed in capital letters (bold, centered, without forced tabs on the lines, the dot at the end of the name is not put). To translate the title into English, the same rules are used, and all words with the exception of prepositions and articles should be written in capital letters.

If the work is carried out with the financial support of the foundation or a state task, an asterisk is placed at the end of the name without a space, the number of the grant or state task is indicated in the footnote, and a period is placed at the end of the footnote.



Full name of the authors

One author

The first name, patronymic, and last name are indicated on the next line after the title. The initials must be indicated before the last name. Do not put a space between the initials. But a space must be placed between the initial and the last name. To avoid breaking initials and surnames when automatically transferring words to a new line, it is recommended to use a non-breaking space (Insert-Character-Special characters), the font – bold, center alignment.

For example:

A.V. Ivanov

After the author's full name, 2 lines apart (centered, italicized), the author's academic degree, title, affiliation, city, and country are given.

For example:

Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, Russia

On the next line – the email address (center alignment, font –italics).

For example:



In the case of authorship of the article for several authors, after the last name, without a space, put one link-an asterisk after the last name of the first author, then – a comma, 2 spaces, the full name of the second author, without a space – a link of two asterisks, etc., the font is bold, centered.

For example:

A.V. Ivanov*, I. A. Ivanova**

Below, after 2 lines, it is indicated for the first author (center alignment, italics, asterisk, two spaces, title, affiliation, city, country, email address),

For example:

* Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Moscow, Russia


Next – for the second author (one line apart, center alignment, italics),

For example:

* * Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Moscow, Russia


Abstract (at least 200 words)

The abstract is placed after the information about the author before the text of the article. The abstract is written in the same font as the text of the article. The text of the Annotation is typed in a straight (without italics) font and ends with a dot.


The annotation is followed by keywords: from 5 to 7 keywords. The line between the annotation and the keywords is not skipped. The subtitle Keywords in the Russian version is typed in italics, followed by a colon, the list of keywords is given in a straight font (without italics) with a dot at the end,

For example:

Keywords: psychological culture, personal resources, mental burnout, emotional intelligence, coping strategies.

Decimal fractions are entered only separated by a comma without a space (0,25 instead of 0.25).

All dates are in the format "date.month.year"( are typed as follows: 02.05.1991.

Punctuation marks

The point is not set:

·       after the article title, headings, and subheadings;

·       after the names of the authors of the article;

·       after email addresses;

·       subheadings

·       after the table names;

·       after captions to figures and tables;

·       in subscripts: T pl – melting point.

·       dimensions (cm-centimeter).

The point is placed:

        after footnotes (including in tables);

        after a brief summary;

        after keywords.

         abbreviations (month – month, year – year, million – million).

The text uses quotation marks-«herringbone»: if there are other words enclosed in quotation marks inside the words in quotation marks, «herringbone» is used as external quotation marks, and "paws" is used as internal quotation marks. Quotation marks and parentheses are not separated by spaces from the words enclosed in them:(at 300 K), (a) – true;( at 300 K), (a) – incorrect.

The letter «ё» is replaced with «e» everywhere, except for surnames and special cases.

Abbreviations and abbreviations

All abbreviations in the text, except for common ones, should be disclosed at the first mention. Abbreviations of several words are separated by spaces.

Example: 760 mm Hg; i.e.

abbreviations or formulas of chemical compounds used as adjectives are written with a hyphen:

Example: IR spectroscopy, PE film, LCD state, Lga+form, OH group, but OH group.

Placing spaces between words

Links to figures and tables are typed with spaces:

Example: Figure 1, Table 2.

A space is placed between the sign of the number, paragraph and number:

Example: No. 1; § 5.65.

Numbers with letters in the notation are typed without spaces:

Example: IVd; 1.3.14 a; Fig. 1d.

In geographical names, a space is placed after the point:

Example: the Yenisei River, Novosibirsk.

When specifying page numbers (numeric intervals), spaces between numbers and dashes are not put:

Example: p. 28-33  true;

p. 28  33  false.

Translated terms and proper names

When foreign surnames are mentioned, their original spelling is given in parentheses (with the exception of well-known names found in the encyclopedia, and names to which references are given in the list of references).

When mentioning foreign educational institutions, institutions, companies, and foreign geographical names (other than well-known ones) in the Russian transcription, it is necessary to indicate in parentheses their original spelling or spelling in English.

All newly introduced or rarely used translated terms should be accompanied by their corresponding terms in the original language, indicated in parentheses.


Tables are created using MS Word (Table > Add Table) or MS Excel. Tables typed manually (using a large number of spaces, without cell spacing) cannot be used. Copying tables from other editors is not allowed.

·       Tables should contain no more than ten columns and have a meaningful title. Abbreviating words in tables is not acceptable. 

·       Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals in a continuous manner, i.e. sequentially, in the order of their mention in the text. When naming a table, the word "Table" and its corresponding number are aligned to the right. Don't put a dot at the end.

·       The table name is given on the next line after the table number. Don't put a dot at the end. The name is highlighted in bold and centered.


Table 4

Correlation coefficients between variables of value orientations in a group of managers


·       Headings are shown in bold, size - 12., located in the center of the column. All cells in the"caps" of the tables must be filled in and contain the data units, if any. If the table contains data of only one type of measurement, then the unit of measurement should be specified in parentheses after the table name.

·       • When referring to a table in the text, the abbreviation "table" is used.

Example: "Table 4 shows the results..."

·       If there is only one table in the publication, the table number is not specified, while the design remains the same. All designations given in the tables should be explained in the notes to the tables.

·       When creating large-volume tables, which are supposed to be placed on several pages, the name (number) should be indicated in the "caps" of the tables) the column.

·       The entire table is aligned to the width of the sheet. Below is an example that may be useful to the authors.


Table 4

Correlation coefficients between variables of value orientations in a group of managers

№ п/п


Correlation coefficients r Spearman


Achievement / Rest

- 0,58 *


Achievement / Preservation of individuality

     0,67 **

Note: * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.05.



All figures must be included in the text of the article in their respective places. The drawing should be understandable, clear, and the labels should correspond to the content of the text. In the case of image scanning, the highest resolution of the scanner is used. Low-quality scanned images are not allowed.

·       All drawings must be numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2,3,....). Each drawing must have a signature.

·       Drawings can be saved in the format .jpg,. gif, .tif or .eps with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. When preparing the drawings, make sure that any symbols or numbers in the drawings are large enough to be read on the screen.

·       For printed publications, all graphics and diagrams must be drawn only in black and white.

·       Photos are provided without damage. Photo format with a minimum size of 800x600 px (at least 1 MB).

·       The authors are responsible for the quality of the drawings and photographs.

·       The name is indicated below the drawing.

·       When naming the abbreviation "Fig." and the corresponding number are indicated in italics.

·       The name of the drawing is given without highlighting.

Example:  Figure 1. Contextual model of family resilience

·       If there is only one drawing in the publication, the number of the drawing is not specified, but the design remains the same.

·       All figures must be referenced in the text.

·       All inscriptions inside the drawing are made with a capital letter.

·       When referring to a drawing in the text, the abbreviation " fig.»

Example: The average reaction time in the younger group is longer than in the older group (Figure 1).

·       All the legends of illustrative materials (graphs, diagrams, etc.) are located below the figure as follows.


·       Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the sociometric structure "Group with an outsider": - - - - - - – positive choice; * * * * * * * – negative choice; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – the level of development of «moral consciousness»



The mention in the article of any materials, theory, position, research published earlier, must necessarily be accompanied by a reference to the source of the literature. To indicate the sources of literature, non-text bibliographic references are used (sources are indicated in the list of references).

Specified by: LITERATURE (in capital letters, in the center of the page, in bold),



Recommended requirements for the number of sources for different types of articles:

From 10 to 40 sources

No more than 3 links to your own publications (self-citation), including joint publications.

The cited literature for the last 5 years should make up 60% of the total number of sources.

All works included in the section "LITERATURE" should be referenced in the text of the article: after the last name or after the citation, the last name, year and page, if necessary, are indicated in parentheses,

for example:

(Ivanov, 2020, p. 78).

References to works that have not been published or are in print are not allowed. The names of foreign-language works are given in accordance with the original (including the placement of uppercase and lowercase letters). The year, volume, number of the magazine, etc. are separated from each other and separated from the corresponding digits by spaces, after the year, volume, number, pages, a period is put. The sequence in the description of the journal article is as follows: the name of the journal (the first word of the title with a capital letter, year, volume, number, page range, separated by a short dash without spaces,

for example:

Psychological Journal. 1992. Vol. 29. no. 2. pp. 213-231.

To indicate the issue of both Russian and foreign magazines, the symbol No. is used. The words" Journal "and" Journal " and all other words in the name of the journal are written in full, not abbreviated. The title of the article and the title of the journal or collection in both Russian and foreign versions are separated by two slashes"//", the title of the collection and the names of the responsible editors are separated by one slash"/". When specifying the city, the following abbreviations are used: Moscow (Moscow), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), Rostov n/A (Rostov-on-Don), L. (London), N. J. (New Jersey), N. Y. (New York), etc. After the name of the city (if one of the above abbreviated names of the city - first put a period), then put a colon and follow the name of the publishing house,

for example:

Moscow: or Tomsk:

Do not put a dash before the name of the city. After the name of the publishing house, the year of publication should be separated by a comma, for example:

Moscow: Publishing House "Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences", 2019.

The names of well-known publications are mentioned without the word "publishing house", as well as without quotation marks, for example:

St.Petersburg: Peter, 2019.

The list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

Clarification: for all foreign journal publications and many Russian ones (for the last three years), the author must specify the DOI number. To search for this index, the journal's official website searches for an article by year, author, or title. In the article description, the DOI number is copied and placed in the article description after the page range (no space is placed between the DOI and the number), for example:

Taylor Z.E., Jones B.L. Cultural contributors to ego‐resiliency and associations with depressive problems in Midwestern Latino youth // Journal of Research on Adolescence. 2020. V. 30. № 2 P. 349-361. DOI:10.1111/jora.12481.


When compiling a list of bibliographic references in Latin ("References"), Russian-language sources must be transliterated, and foreign sources must be brought into compliance with the requirements of transliteration.

The title "References"is aligned to the left edge of the sheet and highlighted in bold. All transliterated sources are given in a numbered list according to the sequence of sources in the "Literature"list. The reference must match the style of the American Psychological Association (APA). Information about the APA style can be found at:

Articles in which the Reference is not designed according to the APA style will be returned for revision before being considered by the editorial board.