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ISSN: 2541-8688
Periodicity of the magazine: 4 issues per year.
Form of periodic distribution: the journal is an online publication, it is not distributed in printed form.
The publication language is Russian and English.
Place of publication: Moscow, Russian Federation;
Territory of distribution: Russian Federation, foreign countries.
Access to the publication and text of articles: publications for authors are free, access to the full texts of articles for readers is also free and free via the Internet, full texts of articles are available both for reading and printing.
Reproduction of journal materials in any type of publications is possible only with the permission of the editorial Board. Materials published in the journal may only be used for personal non-commercial purposes. When quoting journal materials, a link to the original source with the journal's network address is required http://work org-psychology.ru in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.
Review: the journal reviews all manuscripts,according to the peer review rules, and the reviewers are leading experts and recognized experts in this field. In this regard, the materials submitted by the Authors for publication in the Journal must meet the requirements of VAC to the scientific periodicals (from 14.10.2008) and the requirements of peer-reviewed publications for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, which should be published by a major scientific results of dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of Sciences (PhD), on competition of a scientific degree of the doctor of Sciences (from 25.07.2014).
Specialization of the journal: specialization in the current nomenclature of specialties of researchers corresponds to the specialty:
19.00.03 - "labor Psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics"
19.00.05 - "Social Psychology"
19.00.13 - "Developmental psychology, acmeology"