А.А. Костригин
DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_004
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Аннотация. В статье ставится проблема изучения отношения российского общества к бизнесу как элемента экономического менталитета. Отмечается, что в последнее время актуальным направлением исследований российского общественного сознания, менталитета, настроений и представлений являются количественный, информационный, цифровой и наукометрический виды анализа, которые позволяют выявлять особенности не только собственно социально-экономических явлений, но и социальные представления и отношения к ним в Интернете. Показатели различных информационных систем и баз данных предоставляют сведения как об актуальных характеристиках экономического менталитета, так и о его динамике в различные исторические периоды. Цель данного исследования – изучение отношения к бизнесу в России в 1985-2000 гг. на основе рассмотрения показателей встречаемости слов в электронной библиотеке Google Books. Методом исследования является частотный анализ употребления термина «бизнес» в русскоязычном корпусе книг Google Books. Полученная динамика данных интерпретировалась как изменение интереса советских и российских авторов, их представлений и отношения к бизнесу в изучаемые годы. Методологической основой исследования выступали подход Digital Humanities, интеллектуально-исторический и психолого-исторический подходы к анализу социально-исторических факторов формирования общественного сознания и менталитета на основе продуктов интеллектуальной деятельности (текстов и публикаций). Отношение к бизнесу рассматривалось по следующим психологическим компонентам экономического менталитета – когнитивному, аффективному и поведенческому. Результаты представлялись по двум хронологическим периодам – отношение к бизнесу в 1985-1991 и 1992-2000 гг. Установлено, что на протяжении обоих периодов наблюдалась возраставшая динамика частоты употребления термина «бизнес». Это связывается с повышением интереса российского общества к экономике и конкретно к бизнесу в условиях преобразований в годы перестройки и перехода к рыночной экономике после распада СССР. В 1985-1991 гг. преобладала негативная аффективная оценка бизнеса, осуществлялся когнитивный анализ роли бизнеса в обществе и экономике. В 1992-2000 гг. на первый план выходили когнитивный анализ различных видов бизнеса и поведенческая ориентация на внедрение бизнес-практик и образования. В заключение отмечается соответствие полученных данных другим количественным исследованиям развития экономики и отношения к ней в рассматриваемые периоды, а также обосновывается перспектива использования результатов в дальнейших цифровых, психолого-исторических и экономико-психологических работах.
Abstract. The article raises the problem of studying the attitude of Russian society to business as an element of economic mentality. It is noted that recently the actual direction of research in Russian public consciousness, mentality, attitudes and perceptions is quantitative, informational, digital and scientometric types of analysis, which allow to reveal features not only of socio-economic phenomena proper, but also representations and attitudes to them on the Internet. The indicators of various information systems and databases provide information both on the current characteristics of economic mentality and its dynamics in different historical periods. The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards business in Russia in 1985-2000 based on the indicators of word occurrence in Google Books database. The research method is frequency analysis of the term “business” in the Russian language Google Books corpus. The obtained data dynamics was interpreted as a change in the interest of Soviet and Russian authors, their perceptions and attitudes to business during periods under study. The methodological basis of the study was the Digital Humanities approach, intellectual-historical and psychological-historical approach to the analysis of socio-historical factors in the formation of public consciousness and mentality based on the products of intellectual activity (texts and publications). The attitude towards business was considered according to the following psychological components of economic mentality – cognitive, affective and behavioral. Results were presented for two chronological periods – the attitude towards business in 1985-1991 and 1992-2000. It was found that during both periods there was an increase in the frequency of using the term “business”. This is attributed to the increased interest of Russian society in the economy and specifically in business under the conditions of transformations in the years of perestroika and the transition to a market economy after the collapse of the USSR. In 1985-1991, a negative affective evaluation of business prevailed and a cognitive analysis of the role of business in society and the economy was carried out. Between 1992 and 2000, a cognitive analysis of different types of business and a behavioral orientation towards business practices and education came to the fore. In conclusion, the author points out the consistency of the findings with other quantitative studies of economic development and attitudes during the periods in question, as well as justifies the prospect of using the results in further digital, psychological and economic-psychological works.
Kostrigin, A.A. (2023). Otnoshenie k biznesu v Rossii v 1985-2000 gg. (po dannym jelektronnoj biblioteki Google Books) [The attitude towards business in Russia in 1985-2000 (according to Google Books digital library)]. Institut Psikhologii Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. Organizatsionnaya Psikhologiya i Psikhologiya Truda [Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Organizational Psychology and Psychology of Labor]. 8(3). 61-86. DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_004
Ключевые слова: бизнес, экономический менталитет, экономическая психология, историческая психология, интеллектуальная история, цифровые гуманитарные науки.
Abstract. The article raises the problem of studying the attitude of Russian society to business as an element of economic mentality. It is noted that recently the actual direction of research in Russian public consciousness, mentality, attitudes and perceptions is quantitative, informational, digital and scientometric types of analysis, which allow to reveal features not only of socio-economic phenomena proper, but also representations and attitudes to them on the Internet. The indicators of various information systems and databases provide information both on the current characteristics of economic mentality and its dynamics in different historical periods. The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards business in Russia in 1985-2000 based on the indicators of word occurrence in Google Books database. The research method is frequency analysis of the term “business” in the Russian language Google Books corpus. The obtained data dynamics was interpreted as a change in the interest of Soviet and Russian authors, their perceptions and attitudes to business during periods under study. The methodological basis of the study was the Digital Humanities approach, intellectual-historical and psychological-historical approach to the analysis of socio-historical factors in the formation of public consciousness and mentality based on the products of intellectual activity (texts and publications). The attitude towards business was considered according to the following psychological components of economic mentality – cognitive, affective and behavioral. Results were presented for two chronological periods – the attitude towards business in 1985-1991 and 1992-2000. It was found that during both periods there was an increase in the frequency of using the term “business”. This is attributed to the increased interest of Russian society in the economy and specifically in business under the conditions of transformations in the years of perestroika and the transition to a market economy after the collapse of the USSR. In 1985-1991, a negative affective evaluation of business prevailed and a cognitive analysis of the role of business in society and the economy was carried out. Between 1992 and 2000, a cognitive analysis of different types of business and a behavioral orientation towards business practices and education came to the fore. In conclusion, the author points out the consistency of the findings with other quantitative studies of economic development and attitudes during the periods in question, as well as justifies the prospect of using the results in further digital, psychological and economic-psychological works.
Key words: business, economic mentality, economic psychology, historical psychology, intellectual history, digital humanities.
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Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Костригин А.А. Отношение к бизнесу в России в 1985-2000 гг. (по данным электронной библиотеки Google Books) // Институт психологии Российской академии наук. Организационная психология и психология труда. 2023. Т. 8. № 3. C. 61-86. DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_004
Kostrigin, A.A. (2023). Otnoshenie k biznesu v Rossii v 1985-2000 gg. (po dannym jelektronnoj biblioteki Google Books) [The attitude towards business in Russia in 1985-2000 (according to Google Books digital library)]. Institut Psikhologii Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk. Organizatsionnaya Psikhologiya i Psikhologiya Truda [Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Organizational Psychology and Psychology of Labor]. 8(3). 61-86. DOI: 10.38098/ipran.opwp_2023_28_3_004